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Call for Action on Flight Noise in Brisbane’s Southside

Airservices Australia is becoming more nervous about the growing number of flight noise complaints regarding Brisbane Airport. So now is the time to push for reduced flight noise across Brisbane's southside. 

As a long-time Moreton resident, I'm used to trying to ignore and block out aircraft noise in our electorate. But now more than ever, planes are crossing Brisbane's southside at lower altitudes, with higher noise disruption rates, and higher volumes than ever. This is causing more disturbance to residents during what should be a curfew period between 10pm and 6am.

Despite government recommendations that Airservices Australia prioritise more flights over the water, local residents know this has not stopped them doing the complete opposite by scheduling more flights over our homes!

Our opinion on flight noise has always been simple and clear: The government must strike a fairer balance between residents' welfare and the business interests of Brisbane Airport Corporation. When Sydney airport manages to operate with an overnight curfew, there's no reason Brisbane can't.

100 Signatures

13 Signatures

Will you sign?

We call on Catherine King, Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, to implement and enforce the following recommendations for Brisbane Airport Corporation via Air Services Australia:

  • A curfew on flights from 10pm - 6pm
  • A total cap on flights at 45 flights per hour
  • A new long-term operating plan to put more flights over the bay, not our homes.